Neverwinter nights enhanced edition wizard elf
Neverwinter nights enhanced edition wizard elf

neverwinter nights enhanced edition wizard elf

Level 16 (RDD) CHA+1, Spellcraft+2 Concentration+1 Level 15 (Sorc) Concentration+2 Spellcraft+1, Bestow Curse, Weapon Focus Light Crossbow Level 14 (Sorc) Concentration+1 Spellcraft+1 Lore+1, Displacement Level 13 (Sorc) Concentration+3, Fireball Level 12 (RDD) STR+1, Heal+1 Spellcraft+1 Lore+1, Rapid Reload Level 10 (RDD) Concentration+1 Spellcraft+1 Heal+1 Level 9 (RDD) Spellcraft+1 Concentration+1 Spellcraft+1, Greater Spell Penetration Level 8 (RDD) CHA+1 Heal+1 Concentration+1 Spellcraft+1 Level 6 (RDD) Heal+2 Concentration+1, Spell Penetration Level 5 Concentration+1 Spellcraft+1 Lore+1, Scare Invisability

neverwinter nights enhanced edition wizard elf

Level 4 Concentration+1 Spellcraft+1 Lore+1, Resistance Continual Flame Level 3 Concentration+1 Spellcraft+1 Lore+1, Greater Spell Focus, Burning Hands Level 2 Concentration+1 Spellcraft+1 Lore+1, Light Besides that being a sorcerer will allow you to have a shorter spell count but they are more powerful. This guide I build as a default sorcerer build being that the best combo is to make them a red dragon disciple. Level 30 (WIZ) Concentration+3 Spellcraft+4, Great Inteligence, Power Word Kill, Summon Creature 9įor this build I use a gnome for concentration bonus. Level 29 (WIZ) Concentration+4 Spellcraft+3, Greater Sancutary Summon Creature 8 Level 28 (WIZ) INT+1, Concentration+2 Spellcraft+5, Improved Combat Casting, Greater Planar Binding Sunburst Level 27 (WIZ) Concentration+2 Spellcraft+5, Epic Spell Penetration Spell Mantel Great Thunderclap Level 26 (AA) Listen+2 Spot+2 Hide+2 Move Silently+2 Lore+1 Level 25 (WIZ) Concentration+7, Protection from Spells Mordenkainen's Sword Level 24 (AA) Listen+1 Spot+1 Hide+1 Move Silently+1 Lore+5, Rapid Shot Level 23 (AA) Listen+1 Spot+1 Hide+1 Move Silently+1 Lore+5 Level 22 (AA) Listen+1 Spot+1 Hide+1 Move Silently+5 Lore+1 Level 21(AA) Listen+1 Spot+1 Hide+1 Move Silently+6, Epic Weapon Focus Level 20 (AA) DEX+1 LIsten+1 Spot+1 Hide+1 Move Silently+6 Level 19 (AA) Listen+1 Spot+1 Hide+1 Move Silently+6 Level 18 (AA) Listen+1 Spot+1 Hide+5 Move Silently+2, Alertness Level 16 (AA) DEX+1, Listen+1 Spot+1 Hide+7 Level 15 (AA) Spot+4 Listen+3 Hide+2, Improved Critical Longbow Level 12 INT+1, Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Heal+1 Persuade+2, Point Blank Shot, Summon Creature 6 Greater Missle Storm Level 11 Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Heal+1 Spot+1, Planar Binding Chain Lightning Level 10 Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Heal+1 Listen+1, Craft Wand, Dominate Person Cone of Cold Level 9 Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Heal+1 Spot+1, Brew Potion, Lesser Planar Binding Ball Lightning Level 8 INT+1, Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Heal+1 Persuade+1, Stoneskin Wall of Fire Level 7 Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Heal+1 Spot+1, Polymorph Self, Summon Creature 4 Level 6 Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Heal+1 Listen+1, Greature Spell Penetration, Displacement Lightning Bolt Level 5 Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Spot+1 Heal+1, Spell Penetration, Fireball Summon Creature 3

neverwinter nights enhanced edition wizard elf

Level 4 INT+1, Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Listen+1 Heal+1, Combust Fox's Cunning Level 3 Concentration+1 Lore+1 Spellcraft+1 Spot+1, Weapon Focus Longbow, Melf's Acid Arrow Web

neverwinter nights enhanced edition wizard elf

Level 2 Concentration+1 Lore+1 Listen+1 Spellcraft+1, Mage Armor Scare As for spells I will not say what to use, being that it comes down to the situation have a rough idea what you will be fighting and pick from there. Even with this combo since I focus magic I will not wear armor. Alignment does not matter in this build unless you wish to become a Pale Master which I will not be doing in this build. With this character I play an elf for the extra DEX as well as the elven weapon proficiency. It might seem a little basic but I plan to expand and create my more advanced arcane builds soon. This is just my default caster build so I did not specalize any school of magic.

Neverwinter nights enhanced edition wizard elf