There’s a mad algorithm of personalities at play here, stoic warriors juxtaposed against the menace of fist-happy thugs and anime princesses with a bloodlust for AI genocide.Īs one of the Reclaimers caught up in the political games of several factions (Bullet Works! Western VII! Immortal Innocence! I swear I’m not making these up!), it’s up to you to fight back against the machine factions and prevent humanity from being wiped out, even if that war brings you into conflict against your own teammates and other mercenaries. Beyond the initial setup which has the barest of bones, there’s a wider story unfolding between yourself and a cast whose assorted call-signs and actual names sound like someone threw multiple darts at a thesaurus and wrote down the results. I think, because Daemon X Machina’s story is nothing short of baffling. That’s where you come into the story, a fresh-faced rookie with everything to prove and a mechanised suit of armour with which to get the job done. That’s also the exact problem facing humanity after a lunar calamity dribbled sizable chunks of destruction like a cosmic Hulk Hogan unleashing an atomic leg drop. Has the moon been shattered, its remaining fragments colliding with our beloved planet and setting off a new extinction event that allowed homicidal artificial intelligence to rise up and begin a war against humanity for dominance over our fractured hellscape of a world? Once again, that’s a dilemma that can easily be solved by throwing a few iron-blooded orphans at it. Kaiju running amok according to the holy scripture of Pacific Rim? A few hundred tons of awesome augmented by elbow booster rockets will solve that problem. Long line at the supermarket? Long line of blood under your mechanised bootprint is the solution. Fun fact: There isn’t a single problem in life that cannot be solved with a giant robot.